Provide lightning-fast answers, respond to request, and book meetings with ease.
With RepWhiz at your side. it's like having Super Powers.
Save Time and Improve Productivity
Self-book appointments
Reps are able to view, book, confirm or cancel appointments without interrupting staff.
View real-time availability
See real-time doctor availability and book appointments directly on their calendars.
Automated Reminders
With automated reminders by text, mobile app, and email, never miss a meeting and respond to request instantly.
Instantly Share Content
Quickly send copay cards, patient materials and other resources to healthcare providers via text, Respond to physician requests on-demand.
Centralized Communication
RepWhiz offers a unified platform to schedule meetings, share documents, and communicate seamlessly.
Data and Analytics
Get powerful insights into your interactions with the medical practitioners and understand what’s working and what’s not.
RepWhiz bridges the gap between pharma companies and physicians.
Organizing appointments is no longer hectic and daunting. RepWhiz takes the hassle out of booking, organizing, and attending meetings.
Consistent engagement boosts trust by demonstrating the rep's commitment to providing accurate information and supporting healthcare decisions with lasting impact.
Develop an ongoing relationship with doctors and other staff using our feature-rich text messaging service.
Offer personalized service to every doctor by engaging how and when they want while allowing organic conversations to flow.
Get started TODAY with the leading Pharmaceutical Rep Scheduling Platform