Heavy patient load often leaves doctors with little time to meet pharma reps. The scheduling feature of RepWhiz allows practices to make the most out of the limited time.
Schedule online and in-person meetings from the same platform
Line up rep appointments rather than having reps lining up in your waiting room
Control the frequency with which reps book appointments
Create appointment slots and allow reps to self-schedule
Easily View Upcoming Meetings
Quality medical care requires doctors to find the time to engage with reps and stay informed on the latest developments.
Easily view upcoming meetings to fit into doctors’ changing schedule
Get details of the meeting in your inbox and push notifications on your phone
Notify reps of any change in scheduling directly from the app
Request confirmations to reduce no shows or cancellations
Request Samples & Product Information Anytime
Accurate medicine & product information is the cornerstone of quality healthcare. With RepWhiz, health care professionals (HCPs) can get instant information on devices and medications anytime they want.
Get more information about the product anytime, anywhere
Put in requests for samples of the product of choice
Timely information helps doctors keep up with the latest product updates
Anticipate the rep “traffic jam” and use the app to avoid it
Search & Instantly Connect with Reliable Contacts
Experienced and reliable reps can help you with clinical data, offer cost comparisons, guide on reimbursement concerns, and are upfront about potential side effects of their products. RepWhiz helps you stay in touch with such valuable contacts.
Identify your valued reps to ensure they get priority meetings every time
Avoid talking to multiple reps proposing the same medication or products
Create your network of trusted pharma contacts
Receive important updates shared by these contacts
Track All Pharma-Physician Interactions
Optimize call times with pharma reps, by tracking all the interactions between the pharmaceutical companies and your physicians with RepWhiz.
Avoid unproductive rep communication with efficient scheduling
Save HCPs’ time by managing rep appointments throughout the week
Keep doctors connected to the latest advancements in the medical field
Save hours of physicians’ time every week by avoiding repetitive interactions